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Curriculum Scope & Sequence

MTSD Curriculum Glossary With Links

Curriculum: typically refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which is based on the VT State-adopted learning standards and Learning Objectives or Learning Targets (see below) they are expected to meet; the units and lessons that teachers teach; the assignments and projects given to students; the books, materials, videos, presentations, and readings used in a course; and the assessments (such as interim quizzes and final projects or tests), and other methods used to evaluate student learning. 

  • The District Curriculum comprises curriculum templates, scope, and sequence documents-- curriculum teams develop these. This “written” curriculum includes narrative unit descriptions, agreed-upon standards, assessments, resources, and best practices for that curricular area. 

Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives are unit-level goals based on the state-adopted standards for that curricular area. Learning Objectives will be broken down into smaller Learning Targets for instruction.


Learning Targets: Learning targets are expressions of what the student will know or be able to do after daily instruction. Learning Targets may last one class or more than one. They are based on the state-adopted standards and/or the larger Learning Objectives for the unit.      


Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement Hierarchies: The State of Vermont has developed PBGR Hierarchies  that can be adopted or modified to be the locally delineated set of content knowledge and skills connected to state standards that, when supplemented with any additional locally-developed requirements, have been determined to qualify a student for earning a high school diploma


Resources: the materials provided by the district for use in a unit. The resources required to be used in a unit are starred (***). There will be a choice of selected materials. A resource may also be a program from which specific items are used. Please refer to the curriculum and assessment policy for more information about the selection of materials.


A Scope and Sequence: is a list, by grade, consisting of a chronological list of units and learning targets by school year. The MTSD Scope and sequence format can be found here. These are a guideline, and changes to the scope and sequence be made to accommodate student needs

Unit Overview Template: A Unit Overview Template (instructional unit) typically comprises an overarching plan for a series of lessons focused on a specific topic or common theme, such as a historical period or a thematic line of inquiry. The unit overview includes: includes narrative unit descriptions, agreed-upon standards, assessments, resources, and best practices for that subject area.

Vigor (replacing Rigor):  is the result of work that challenges students' thinking in new and exciting ways. It occurs when students are encouraged toward a sophisticated understanding of fundamental ideas and are driven by curiosity to discover what they don't know. What is rigor in the classroom?


Curriculum Handbooks

Scope & Sequences