Departments » Student Support Services » About Support Services

About Support Services

MTSD is committed to the achievement of our mission for all students. The Office of Student Support Services oversees those programs designed to support students’ diverse learning needs in our system.
tiered system of support
In MTSD’s multi-tiered system of instruction and intervention, the focus is first on the provision of high-quality evidence-based instruction in the classroom. Our goal is to identify students who may be at risk of struggling as early as possible in order to provide specific, targeted interventions. We believe that we will be most successful in meeting the needs of all students when we use data to adjust instruction in a problem-solving approach.
Within our Tiered System of Instruction are a variety of State and Federally regulated programs designed to provide intervention and support for students experiencing challenges in school.
  1. Educational Support System (ESS)
  2. Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  3. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - Special Education

Educational Support Team

"Within each school district’s comprehensive system of educational services, Title 16 of the Vermont Statutes requires each public school to develop and maintain an educational support system (ESS) for children who require additional assistance in order to succeed in the general education environment. Support includes prevention, intervention, and pre-school services. The educational support system is required to include an educational support team (EST) and a range of support and remedial services, including instructional and behavioral interventions and accommodations. Act 117 requires each school board to assign responsibility for developing and maintaining the ESS to the superintendent or principal. It also requires each superintendent to annually report on the status of the ESS in their schools including how funds, such as Medicaid, are used to support the ESS." - (VT Department of Education, 2010)

What is 504?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects people with disabilities from discrimination in any program or activity receiving federal funding. Students with disabilities that substantially limit a major life activity such as learning, working, hearing, speaking, etc. may require an individual accommodation plan or specific services to ensure access to education and school-sponsored activities.

For more information on 504, link to the Vermont Department of Education Website

Special Education

Special Education entitles eligible children to a free appropriate public education beginning as early as the child’s third birthday and can be provided to those eligible through 21 years of age.
Age 3-5 Services: Essential Early Education (EEE)
  • Educational program designed to provide educational services to students with a developmental delay (40% or more), a medical condition which places them at risk of developmental delay or with an identified disability according to 3-21 regulations.
  • Services provided in an array of environments, including school-based early education classrooms as well as home/community-based environments.
Age 6-21 Services: Special Education & Related Services - Students are identified as being in need of special education services if they meet the following:
  • Presence of an identified disability in one of twelve recognized disability categories.
  • Disability has an adverse effect on the students’ education (defined as performance in the lowest 15th percentile for same-aged peers)
  • A student is in need of specialized instruction that cannot be provided through the school’s system of supports for all students
An individualized education program (IEP) is designed for students eligible for special education to provide a free and appropriate public education without charge to the parent or student.

Students are eligible for special education services after they have been determined eligible under Vermont State Regulations.
Special education regulations entitle families to specific rights in regards to their child’s education. More information can be found here on the State of Vermont Agency on Education site.

Child Find Notice

Milton Town School District is required by federal law to locate, identify and evaluate all children with disabilities. The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children with disabilities is known as child find. Milton Town School District schools conduct Kindergarten screening each spring, but parents may call to make an appointment to discuss their concerns at any time. As the school district of residence, MTSD has the responsibility to identify and provide services to any child with special needs who may require special education and related services in order to access and benefit from public education. If you have or know of any MTSD resident who has a child with a disability under the age of 21 or a child who attends a private school located in our District we would like to hear from you. Sometimes parents are unaware that special education services are available to their children. Please contact the School Principals at (MES 893-5631, MMS 893-5523, MHS 893-5462) or the Director of Student Services, Timothy Dunn 893-5306 or [email protected]