School Board » Board of Trustees » Standing Committees

Standing Committees

Facilities Committee


Kumulia Long, Chair
Scott O'Brien
Matt Grasso, Dir. Operations


The Facility Committee will provide guidance, oversight, and, when appropriate, specialized expertise to the MTSD in the following areas: (1) Long-range physical planning; (2) Capital renewal; (3) Capital projects; (4) Facilities-related policies and procedures; and (5) Operations and maintenance.
Facilities Committee Meetings are scheduled before the first Regular Board Meeting of each month at 5:00 PM.

Finance Committee


Jeremy Metcalf, Chair
Kumulia Long
Amy Rex, Superintendent
Matt Grasso, Dir. Operations


The Finance Committee will provide financial oversight of the budget and ensure the MTSD is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services.
Finance Committee Meetings are scheduled for the 1st Wednesday of designated months at 8:00 AM in: June, October, November, December and January

Policy Committee


Karen Stout, Chair
Allison Duquette
Amy Rex, Superintendent


The Policy Committee will develop, review, and/or update policies to assist the MTSD in executing its duties in an ethical and legal manner. The Committee will propose policies to the Board for review, adoption, or rescinding.
Policy Committee Meetings are scheduled on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 4:00 PM (June, August, October, December and February)

Strategic Planning Committee


Jeremy Metcalf, Chair
Scott O'Brien
Amy Rex, Superintendent


The Strategic Planning Committee will develop, modify, and evaluate the strategic plans, goals, and objectives of the MTSD.
Strategic Planning Committee Meetings are scheduled before the second Regular Board Meeting of each month at 5:00 PM.