Our District » Herrick Project » Herrick Avenue Project

Herrick Avenue Project

What's Next?

Upon receiving the cost estimates from TruexCullins, the MTSD School Board made the decision to proceed with the plan to build a new school. TruexCullins will now undertake a more detailed analysis of the chosen option, which involves building a new facility for MES & MMS. This phase of the project will encompass a range of activities, such as creating 3D models, conducting land surveys, performing civil engineering work, and carrying out a comprehensive traffic study.
The Milton Town School District ( MTSD), in partnership with TruexCullins, is seeking community members to serve on the MTSD Herrick Project Committee. This committee is being formed to address the Herrick Avenue facility deficiencies that came to light during the MTSD Master Facilities Evaluation, including aging infrastructure and aspects of the design that are incompatible with current building security and educational programming needs.
MTSD Board of Trustees has contracted with Truexcullins of Burlington to conduct a facilities master planning process. In part, Truexcullins was selected because they embrace a whole child philosophy to facility design.  For them, this means creating schools that foster learning, wellness, and engagement.

Truexcullins provided an assessment and report (facilities evaluation) regarding the current state of the MTSD schools. The Herrick Project committee found the Herrick Avenue facilities to have the greatest need for improvement.

The age and conditions of school facilities across Vermont have recently gained the attention of state leaders. The Herrick Avenue facility is reaching its life expectancy and decisions need to be made about the direction the community would like to take to ensure a safe, operational, and engaging facility for all learners - now and in the future.

On average, Vermont’s 305 school buildings are 61 years old and have gone an average of 22 years without a major renovation. The first phase of Herrick Ave facilities was built in 1954 - seven years older than the VT average, and its last addition was in 1996 - 4 years older than the VT average. No portion of the building has ever been fully renovated as part of a modernization or do-over plan. Instead, investments have been made to divide existing spaces, convert shared teaching and learning spaces and add space to accommodate the District's changing needs.
High-performing schools with safe and engaging facilities support the entire community's growth, development, and vibrancy. A learning environment that meets the diverse needs of students ages 3-14 requires a design that provides accessibility, includes mobile and flexible spaces, ignites inspiration, and fosters collaboration and respect. 
Over 1,200 people ages 3 and up spend their entire day, 187 days a year, in the school on Herrick Avenue: walking, running, playing, actively learning, cooking, eating, and taking care of business - performing all types of duties and making and cleaning up all types of messes. This volume of activity results in a high level of wear and tear on all aspects of the building from cosmetics and incidentals to infrastructures like plumbing and heating. 
Currently, we are better positioned than many districts that have similar circumstances as we have just conducted a full-scale facilities evaluation. This in-depth report will allow us to be proactive in planning for the future. In addition, given the condition of school facilities across the State, this is a priority for the General Assembly. Having a plan in place will put us first in line for any State financial programming or aid.
The longer we wait, the more costly any decision or direction will be. The time and need are now. Prior Planning Produces Positive Payoffs.