School Board » Board of Trustees » Board Goals

Board Goals

The Board is accountable to the community to ensure that the district makes reasonable progress in achieving outcomes for students and that the system operates in compliance with all policies, laws, and regulations. In order to meet this obligation, the Board needs to monitor both of these areas regularly. In order for administrators to be able to produce evidence related to these areas, the Board should clearly identify the student learning outcomes and system operations outcomes it expects based on the Board’s vision, policy, strategic plan, and goals.
The Board will evaluate itself on board goals related to student achievement and use student achievement results to drive decision-making.

Theory of Action

If the MTSD:

  • Engages all students in a personalized learning education,
  • Ensures there are effective teachers, leaders, and school staff at every level of the organization focused on improving student outcomes,
  • Enlists its partners and engages families in a local and global school community approach, and
  • Holds itself accountable through strong performance and sound fiscal management

Then, every MTSD learner will be challenged and supported to reach their highest potential and be prepared for success as an engaged citizen locally and globally.

MTSD Strategic Plan Priorities Board Goals

Goal #1: Academic Success

Milton Town School District students will graduate as curious and passionate learners ready to engage in college and career opportunities that further their growth and meet the challenges of a changing world. In service of this goal, educators and students will challenge themselves and others and collaboratively engage in developmentally appropriate personalized learning grounded in equity and supportive relationships. Educators will develop and be guided by continuous improvement plans (CIP) with goals and strategies, inclusive of professional development, to ensure continuous growth in student learning.

By June of 2024

  • On average, MTSD Literacy proficiency scores will increase by 20% with all grades showing growth
  • Math proficiency scores at each grade level will match their pre-pandemic level

The Board will monitor progress by:

  • A review of the VTCAP 2023 data when it becomes available. VTCAP is the new VT State Assessment; it replaces SBAC, and it will be administered in the Spring of 2023.
  • A review of interim assessment data - November 2023 and March 2024
  • A review of the VTCAP 2024 data - May/June 2024

Goal #2: Student Behavior

To cultivate engaged citizens inspired to meet the demands of a changing society through an awareness of self, others and the world around them in the local and global context. In service of this goal, educators and students will learn and practice the dispositions and strategies that foster safe and affirming communities.


By August of 2023

  • The MTSD will be ready to roll out the new MTSD Student Conduct Policy and Procedures

The Board will monitor progress by:

  • A review of explanatory materials (i.e - student handbook; behavior matrices; system responses; and family communication)
  • Superintendent September Report
  • Reports by Principals and others to increase Board understanding of the implementation of preventative measures 

By June of 2024

  • The average number of major behavior infractions will be reduced by 10% compared to the same time period from the previous year.
The Board will monitor progress by:
  • A review of behavior data in December; April and June